Til fagpersoner

Lyt, leg, lær!

Børn med hørenedsættelse har trods høreteknik bag ørerne behov for et særligt fokus på lyd for at udvikle alderssvarende auditive, sproglige og pragmatiske færdigheder. Nogle forældre ønsker desuden et øget fokus på musikopfattelse og udvikling af musikalske færdigheder, men hvordan gøres det lige?

Jeg tilbyder fagpersoner undervisning og sparring i, hvordan der kan trænes med musik som både katalystor for indlæring af sprog og kommunikation men også til at opnå musiknydelse og fællesskab. I mine workshops tager jeg udgangspunkt i forskellige materialer, der alle har til hensigt at stimulere børns:

    • Auditive færdigheder: Auditiv opmærksomhed, auditiv hukommelse, ‘lyd er vigtig’
    • Sproglige færdigheder: udtale, ordforråd, stemmebrug, lyst til kommunikation
    • Musikalitet: Opfattelse og produktion af melodi, klang og rytme

    Er I nysgerrige på, hvordan musik kan bruges i arbejdet med børn med hørenedsættelse, så kontakt mig endelig for at høre til mulighederne for en workshop skræddersyet til jer.

    Workshops i "En musikalsk rejse gennem regnskoven" for talehørekonsulenter:

    • Høje Taastrup d. 2. okt.
    • Aalborg d. 9. okt.
    • Fredericia d. 23. okt.

    MuCIk på ny

    - musiktræning til voksne med CI

    Voksne med erhvervet svær hørenedsættelse/døvhed kan få indopereret et cochlea implant (CI) og få evnen til at høre igen. CI er særligt effektivt til gengivelsen af talesignaler, mens komplekse lydsignaler som musik er begrænset. Det kan derfor være en udfordring for voksne CI-brugere at lytte til og nyde musik. Det drejer det sig især om vanskeligheder med at skelne melodier, harmonier og klange.

    Med støtte fra William Demant Fonden, Danaflex, Advanced Bionics og Med-El udgav SCR Kommunikation, Roskilde Kommune, i 2020 materialet: MuCIk på ny. Formålet med materialet var at give andre undervisere af voksne CI-brugere inspiration og konkrete værktøjer til, hvordan undervisningen i at forbedre musikopfattelsen hos voksne CI-brugere kan foregå. Materialet er tænkt som et idékatalog, der
    kan plukkes fra efter behov, lyst og evner.

    Med materialet håber vi at bidrage til, at voksne CI-brugere igen kan blive aktive lyttere og udøvere af musik, så de kan få adgang til musikkens mange positive virkemidler og fællesskabende karakter.


    - hvor forskellige områder sammenholdes med musiktræning.

    Hørenedsættelse & musiktræning

    • Barton & Robbins (2015). Jumpstarting auditory learning in children with cochlear implants through music experiences. Cochlear Implants International.
    • Caldwell et al. (2015). Cochlear implant users rely on tempo rather than on pitch information during perception of musical emotion. Cochlear Implants International.
    • Chen et al. (2010). Music Training Improves Pitch Perception in Prelingually Deafened Children With Cochlear Implant.
    • Cheng et al. (2018). Music training can improve speech perception in mandarin-speaking cochlear implant users. Trends in Hearing.
    • Esmaeilzadeh et al. (2013). Auditory-Verbal Music Play Therapy: An Integrated Approach (AVMPT). Iranian Journal of Otorhinolaryngology.
    • Fu et al. (2015). Benefits of Music Training in Mandarin-Speaking Pediatric Cochleat Implant Users. Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research.
    • Good et al. (2017). Benefits of music training for perception of emotional speech prosody in deaf children with cochlear implant. Wolters Kluwer Health.
    • Kepp et al. (2022). Timbre recognition in Danish children with hearing aids, cochlear implants or normal hearing. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology.
    • Kepp et al. (2022). Virtual Reality pith ranking in children with cochlear implants, hearing aids or normal hearing. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology.
    • Limb & Rubinstein (2012). Current Research on Music Perception in Cochlear Implant Users. Otolaryngol Clin. N. Am.
    • Marozeau et al. (2014). Cochlear Implants Can Talk But Cannot Sing In Tune. Acoustics Australia.
    • Rocca (2015). Developing the musical brain to boost early pre-verbal, communication and listening skills: The implications for musicality development pre- and post-cochlear implantation. It is not just about Nursery Rhymes! Cochlear Implants International.
    • Shukor et al. (2021). Efficacy of Music Training in Hearing Aid and Cochlear Implant Users: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Clinical and ExperimentalPediatric Otorhinolaryngology.
    • Shukor et al. (2021). Crucial Music Components Needed for Speech Perception Enhancement of Pediatric Cochlear Implant Users: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Audiology and Neurotology.
    • Spangmose et al. (2019). Perception of Musical Tension in Cochlear Implant Listeners. Frontiers in Neuroscience.
    • Stabej et al. (2012). The music perception abilities of prelingually deaf children with cochlear implant. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology.
    • Yucel et al. (2009). The family oriented musical training for children with cochlear implants: Speech and musical perception results of two year follow-up. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology.

    Særlige behov & musiktræning

    • Gooding (2011). The effect of a music therapy social skills training program on improving social competence in children and adolescents with social skills deficits. Journal of Music Therapy.
    • Holck (2007). Musikterapi i lyset af musikalske træk i tidlige dialoger. Psyke & Logos.
    • Holck (2008). Kommunikativ musikalitet. Kognition og paedagogik.
    • Lervig & Kirkebæk (2010). Ingen lyd er forkert. ”Musisk samoplevelse”. Materialecentret.
    • Marrades-Caballero et al. (2010). Neurologic music therapy in upper-limb rehabilitation in children with severe bilateral cerebral palsy: a randomized controlled trial. European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine.
    • Rothmann et al. (2014). Evaluation of the Musical Concentration Training with Pepe (MusiKo mit Pepe) for children with attention deficits. Czetschrift für Kinder- und Jugenpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie. 
    • Thaut (2008). Rhythm, Music, and the Brain. Scientific Foundations and Clinical applications. Taylor & Francis.
    • Thompson & Abel (2018). Fostering Spontaneous Visual Attention in Children on the Autism Spectrum: A Proof-of-Concept Study Comparing Singing and Speech. Autism Research..

    Kognition, sprog & musiktræning

    • Bjork & Bjork (2011). Creating Desirable Difficulties to Enhance Learning. Psychology and the Real World.
    • Bonacina et al. (2018). Clapping in time parallels literacy and calls upon overlapping neural mechanisms in early readers. N. Y. Acad. Sci.
    • Dittinger et al. (2017). Fast Brain Plasticity during Word Learning in Musically-Trained Children. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience.
    • Francois et al. (2015). Musical training as an alternative and effective method for neuro-education and neuro-rehabilitation. Frontiers in Psychology.
    • Fujii & Wan (2014). The role of rhythm in speech and language rehabilitation: the SEP hypothesis. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience.
    • Gerbier & Toppino (2015). The effect of distributed practice: Neuroscience, cognition and education. Trends in Neuroscience and Education.
    • Habibi (2018). Music training and child development: a review of recent findings from a longitudinal study. Annals of The New York Academy of Sciences.
    • Intartaglia et al. (2017). Music training enhances the automatic neural processing of foreign speech sounds. Scientific Reports.
    • Ireland et al. (2018). Rhythm and Melody Tasks for School-Aged Children With and Without Musical Training: Age-Equivalent Scores and Reliability. Frontiers in Psychology.
    • Jaschke et al. (2018). Longitudinal Analysis of Music Education on Executive Functions in Primary School Children. Frontiers in Neuroscience.
    • Diverse artikler om ”Music and the brain” og ”Rhythm in the brain” på: https://brainvolts.northwestern.edu/music/
    • Larsen (1998). Den ultimative formel – for effektive læreprocesser. Eget forlag.
    • Moreno et al. (2011). Short-Term Music Training Enhances Verbal Intelligence and Executive Function. Psychological Science.
    • Moritz et al. (2013). Links betweek early rhythm skills, musiacl training, and phonological awareness. Reading and Writing, An interdisciplinary Journal.
    • Sallat & Jentschke (2015). Music Perception Influences Language Acquisition: Melodic and Rhythmic-Melodic Perception in Children with Specific Language Impairment. Behavioural Neurology.
    • Slater et al. (2015). Music training improves speech-in-noise perception: Longitudinal evidence from a community-based music program. Behavioural Brain Research.
    • Slater & Kraus (2016). The role of rhythm in perceiving speech in noise: a comparison of percussionists, vocalists and non-musicians. Cogn Process.
    • Tierney et al. (2017). Individual differences in Rhythm Skills: Links with Neural Consistency and Linguistic Ability. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience.
    • Vuust (2017). Musik på hjernen. People’s Press
    • Vuust et al. (2022). Music in the Brain. Nature Reviews Neuroscience.
    • Yao et al. (2022). Musical Training Enhances Categorical Perception of Speech in Preschoolers: Training Duration and Musical Program Matter. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research.

    Arbejdshukommelse & musiktræning

    • Guo et al. (2018). Improved digit span in children after 6-week intervention of playing a musical instrument: An exploratory randomized controlled trial. Frontiers in Psychology.
    • Vuust et al. (2016). Masseeksperimentet. Center for Music in the Brain.